$10 per professional referral
no limit!
help each other find great job opportunities
Earn cash and hound merch as you achieve referral milestones. No limit on cash rewards!
earn $10 for every professional referral
Help professionals learn about us, and get paid for helping us improve the job search!
refer family, friends, classmates, & colleagues
Know someone looking for a job now or considering it soon? Refer them!
refer any veterinary professional
Share your custom link on veterinary Facebook groups, Instagram, TikTok, & more. If they work in vet med, refer them!
Professional referrals are reviewed and paid out for legitimate veterinary professional referrals on a monthly basis.
Our software detects and bans fraudulent users.
add your details above to check your milestone progress below.
$300 per practice referral
no limit!
build the culture we’ve all been waiting for
Earn cash and dream vacations as you achieve referral milestones. No limit on cash rewards!
earn $300 for every practice you refer
Help employers learn about us, and get paid for helping us build healthy culture!
refer your own practice manager or owner
Think your employer could use some help managing culture? Refer them!
refer any veterinary practice
Share your custom link on veterinary Facebook groups, Instagram, TikTok & more. If they’re a veterinary practice, refer them!
Practice referrals will be paid out for veterinary practice referrals once the practice begins paying. You can refer your manager, but managers can not refer themselves.
Our software detects and bans fraudulent users.